Why is Premined Cryptocurrency Better For The Environment?

  • Premined cryptocurrencies are digital assets where a certain number of tokens are produced.
  • Premined coins provide developers with more initial control over the network.

Researchers discovered that Bitcoin uses more energy yearly than in some nations, such as Syria and Nigeria. Additionally, they discovered that some pre-mined cryptocurrencies are more energy-efficient than Visa, a long-established, eco-friendly payment mechanism.

It’s simple to become mired in the idea that cryptocurrency isn’t sustainable or environmentally friendly, given all the media attention given to Bitcoin and its negative repercussions. And while it might be the case in some instances, it isn’t always.

Distinction Between Premined And Proof-of-Work  Currencies

  • Premined cryptocurrencies 

These are digital assets in which a certain number of tokens or coins are produced and given to the founders or developers before their launch to the general public. Premining is frequently linked to consensus procedures based on proof-of-stake (PoS) or proof-of-authority (PoA).

In a PoS-based pre-mined cryptocurrency, validators (or sometimes called “stakes”) are chosen to create new blocks and secure the network based on the number of tokens they have staked as collateral. Their likelihood of being chosen as validators depends on the number of tokens they hold and are willing to “lock up” in the network.

In a PoA-based pre-mined cryptocurrency, pre-selected validators or authorities are responsible for validating transactions and adding new blocks to the blockchain. These validators are usually chosen based on their reputation or status within the network.

  • Proof-of-work cryptocurrencies 

Bitcoins with a proof-of-work algorithm Miners compete to find solutions to challenging mathematical puzzles to validate and add new transactions to the blockchain of PoW-based cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin). The block is added first, and the first miner to complete the riddle receives fresh Bitcoin. The method uses a lot of computer resources and a lot of energy.

It’s worth noting that pre-mined and PoW-based cryptocurrencies have advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of consensus mechanism often depends on the project’s goals, security requirements, and philosophical principles.

  • Energy efficiency

Compared to PoW-based cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, pre-mined cryptocurrencies, especially those implementing the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, are frequently thought to be more energy-efficient. Based on how many tokens validators “stake” or lock up as collateral, or choose to generate new blocks, PoS validators are selected to safeguard the network and add new blocks. It uses substantially less energy to validate transactions and add new blocks because no computationally demanding puzzles need to be solved.

  • Fair distribution

Compared to PoW-based cryptocurrencies, where early miners or mining pools can amass significant sums of coins, premined cryptocurrencies can offer a more equitable distribution of tokens. Developers and creators can directly distribute tokens to stakeholders in pre-mined cryptocurrencies, potentially assuring a more equitable distribution.

Reduced risk of centralization can be achieved through a more fair distribution by preventing a small number of people or organizations from controlling an overwhelming amount of the network. By making tokens available to more people, developers can promote increased involvement and participation among cryptocurrency users, promoting a more decentralized and democratic network.

  • Easier upgrades 

Upgrades are simpler since premined coins often give developers more initial control over the network. This control can make deploying protocol updates and modifications easier and more effective.

Without the requirement for broad community consensus, which can occasionally delay the upgrade process, developers can react quickly to security issues or enhance the functionality of the network.

Depending on the premined cryptocurrency’s specific architecture, developers may be given additional freedom in governance choices, enabling them to modify the protocol to meet shifting user or market demands.


It’s important to note that while premined cryptocurrencies offer these potential benefits, they also face challenges and criticisms. Ensuring a fair and transparent distribution can be complex, and too much control in the hands of a few can raise concerns about centralization and the risk of abuse of power. Additionally, developers’ central role in governance may lead to questions about decentralization and censorship resistance, which are key principles in the cryptocurrency space.

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