XCAD Network: A Guide to the Utilities and Working of XCAD Tokens

XCAD Network
  • XCAD is a watch-to-earn platform that provides content monetization for content creators using an algorithm similar to YouTube, aimed at growing one’s channel. 
  • It enables Creator token rewards for watching a creator’s YouTube content, thus building a system that generates additional revenue.

The XCAD network is a DeFi solution that tokenizes YouTubers to facilitate monetization for creators. It allows fans to collect and acquire rare NFTs that capture an influencer’s moments. Through a Decentralized exchange, XCAD creates liquidity between influencers and fans, fostering individual growth.

What is XCAD?

The Creator Token serves as the base currency within the XCAD network ecosystem and on the Xcademy platform. Initially launched as an Ethereum ERC-20 asset, XCAD later migrated to the ZRC-20 token standard. The platform has garnered support from major YouTubers, collectively holding 50 million subscribers, with potential for further expansion after product finalization.

The platform provides creators with a range of solutions and products that enable them to interact with their target audience, leading to additional revenue streams and empowering their fans. XCAD also offers educational platforms facilitated by professional YouTubers through guides and classes, benefiting aspiring creators.

How Does XCAD Work?

As of its development in 2021, XCAD is in its initial stages after the Strong Holder Offerings (SHO) on the startup launch and DAO maker platform. Creators on the platform can launch their Content Creator Token, which fans can use as a reward for interacting and engaging with them within the XCAD network ecosystem.

XCAD also allows users to mint Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) that capture memorable moments, individual videos they like, or merchandise redemption. This provides creators with the opportunity to monetize their audience and reward followers. The NFTs are classified into different levels:

1. Rare NFTs: These grant users access to a creator’s iconic career moments
2. Gold: For absolute special moments
3. Silver: For less special moments
4. Bronze: For basic moments from a creator’s videos

XCAD’s Uniqueness and Utilities

Xcad’s uniqueness lies in its implementation of tokenization for YouTubers, enabling them to transform their vast audience onto Web3 technologies and monetize their reach. Some of the features that make XCAD unique include:

1. A marketplace for content creators: XCAD’s Creator NFTs marketplace allows for easy minting and purchase of NFTs via XCAD or Content Creator Token.

2. E-learning Platform: Beginner-level content creators can swiftly access the platform through the Xcademy Platform, where established Content Creators provide a wide range of materials and tools to help grow their audience.

3. Zilliqa Blockchain: XCAD leverages ZIL, which enables a large number of transactions per second at near-zero cost, ensuring security for XCAD users against cyber threats.

4. Content Creator Token: An easy-to-use tokenization solution that allows creators to create their customized tokens effortlessly.


XCAD users are expected to be able to sell their coins at any time with comparably lower fees. When XCAD gets listed on an exchange, it is likely to attract a significant amount of trading volume from its targeted audience, presenting great opportunities for individuals on the platform.

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